The last days are the days we are in already. This is clear from the response of Jesus to the question of the disciples in Matthew 24.

“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (verse 3)

Watch the message on YouTube:

They asked Him three questions:

  1. When shall these things be?
  2. What shall be the sign of Your coming?
  3. What shall be the sign of the end of the world?

For all three, he proceeded with the rest of the chapter to the entirety of chapter 25 with an uninterrupted response. Remember that their first question was based on verses 1 and 2 (chapter 24). As I mentioned in this series, the last days are a wider spectrum of days leading to the terminating point when the world ends.

Now, we will list the events as they are given to us in Matthew 24:

  1. A time of great deception (verses 4-5).
  2. Wars and rumours of wars (verse 6).
  3. Unrests, natural disasters, and pandemics (verse 7).
  4. Persecutions (verse 9).
  5. Persecution leading to offences among the saints (verse 10).
  6. Increased deception and false prophets (verse 11).
  7. Iniquity abounds and love grows cold (verse 12).
  8. Abomination of Desolation (verse 15).
  9. Great Tribulation (verses 16-22).
  10. Antichrists (verses 23-26).
  11. Description of the coming of the Son of God (verses 27-28).
  12. The breakdown of the solar system (verse 29).
  13. Rapture (verse 30).
  14. The Harvest (verse 31).
  15. Warning (verses 32-51).
Listen to the audio message here:

By the time we enter chapter 25, the LORD gave two parables to demonstrate the two core prerequisites for entering into His Joy. With the parable of the virgins, He showed that purity must not just be a part of your life but must be current. The wisdom here is to be filled with the Holy Spirit always. This state of not running out of oil demonstrates faithfulness.

In the second parable, the parable of talent, we see the principle of fruitfulness. The follower that cannot give an account of his talent, how it served God and brought Him profits, will be cast out just like the foolish virgins were locked out.”

Published by Olamide OPEYEMI

Coach || Counsellor || Consultant

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