#5: The Law of Attraction – How to Change Your Results

The Law of cause and effect has shown us that every action has a consequence. What you sow is what you reap. This law is the law of laws because all other laws are based on it. The law of attraction is the mental principle involved in customizing outcomes in experiences and events. The law …

#2. The preeminence of the law of your life

Laws govern all aspects of existence. These laws serve to establish order, foreseeability, and the preservation or propagation of divinely orchestrated outcomes. Much like how societal laws aim to enforce a particular order and conduct conducive to the prosperity of a community, those who transgress these laws are restrained by governmental authorities. Embracing the supremacy …


Now we come to our 7th Core Life Concept: values. Values are the underlying determinants of our possibilities. Values are shaped by the culture, family and belief systems you were exposed to in your formative years. Values determine your conviction, which informs your belief, which instigates your behaviour, and finally produces your outcomes. This is …

What myth are you living?

Whatever your life is producing today is based on an idea. Now, forget about the status of the idea… whether it is true or false… As long as you can make it central to your life, you will live to produce results consistent with that idea. Now, that is the myth. Your myth is the …