The Law of cause and effect has shown us that every action has a consequence. What you sow is what you reap. This law is the law of laws because all other laws are based on it. The law of attraction is the mental principle involved in customizing outcomes in experiences and events. The law of attraction is the mindset corollary of the law of cause and effect.

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In life, we all get what we really expect; not necessarily what you say you want or what you set as a goal. In fact, the goals we achieve are desires consistent with the nature of our attraction. Now, the word “attraction” deals with magnetism. A magnet produces a magnetic field and attracts or brings into its “full grip” or complete influence materials carrying the opposite charge.

The implication is this. The opposite charge speaks of you being in a state of dissatisfaction, and fighting your current reality. Although you may do all the right things to change your situation, those positive actions only attract negative reactions (results, outcomes and consequences) WHICH ARE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR INNER STATE. If you are going to attract what you truly want, you need to STOP TRYING TO GET IT. BELIEVE YOU HAVE IT and your physical reality will be adjusted to your FAITH.

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The law of attraction does not just give you results consistent with your prevailing mental and emotional condition. More importantly, it has a way of attracting what you don’t want. When you want a different life, a better life, but you are emotionally bound or charged with your current dissatisfied life, you tend to attract in your life more of the same results in line with your deepest emotions. In that way, the hypocritical positive desire attracts a negative outcome.

The key to utilizing the law of attraction is to ACCEPT THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE and YOU ALREADY ARE what you desire. This is the way to boycott the tyrannical and repetitive process of not getting what you really want. Once you decide what you want. Don’t think that you are trying to get it or else you may remain in that state of always trying to get it. Instead, RECKON THAT YOU HAVE IT and this sends a signal to attract the desirable experience and event opposite your undesirable physical reality to JUSTIFY YOUR FAITH.

Now, this law assumes that you are committed to the new you and the new result you want to create. This law presupposes that you deliberately sow the right actions to reap accurate habits that can accommodate your desirable destiny. Hence, the law of attraction helps you establish the internal dominant state necessary to produce the external dominant result.

Published by Olamide OPEYEMI

Coach || Counsellor || Consultant

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